Monday, June 21, 2010

Saturday, June 26 Smoke Detector Blitz

In speaking with Police Officier Ed Burmood today, he says that the Smoke Detector Installation Blitz scheduled for Saturday, June 26 is on go!

The Hastings Life Safety Coalition board of directors has extended an invitation to our Kiwanis Club to help in the Smoke Detector Installation Blitz at Smitty's Trailer Park, Saturday, June 26, 2010. The Coalition is providing free smoke detectors to the residents of the trailer park. The Coalition thinks the cost of the gift of a smoke detector is small, if it can save a life!

Officier Ed Burmood is the founder and chairman of the Hastings Life Safety Coalition. The Coalition was formed as a result of Officier Burmood's involvement in a fire last December. He came upon a trailer home on fire in which a baby, a young boy, and an adult man died. Officier Burmood personally transported the young girl who was burned in the fire to Mary Lanning Memorial Hospital.

For those who can help Saturday morning, we are to meet at the Lincoln Park Fire Station at 9:30 am to receive our assignments and supplies. We will divide into teams of 2 or 3 people. By 10:00 am we will be in the park and making door to door contact. One person should have a cordless screw driver and step stool for the installation, one person may serve as the driver, and another person may be needed as an interpreter. The residents will know ahead of time by letter that we are coming to install a free detector.

If there are enough volunteers, Officier Burmoood thinks we will be able to finish in 60 to 90 minutes.

neil g

P. S. One of our own Kiwanis members was connected with that December fire. Major Abe Tamayo and the Salvation Army helped the survivors. Major Tamayo conducted the funeral services of the baby and young boy. Also this last winter, Major Tamayo has given assistance to others because of a fire where there was no smoke detector.

1 comment:

  1. Friends, while I understand that we all lead busy lives (and I myself was "playing" in Vegas), I must say that I am extremely disappointed in the lack of support for this project from our club and our community. The following is the report Officer Burmood sent to employees of the Hastings Police Department:

    Saturday we did our Smitty’s Smoke Detector Blitz.

    By my count we had 6 civilians, 1 police chief, 1 police officer and 7 firemen. We started at 0930 hours by 1200 we were down to 8 people who finished by 1300 hours. This includes Claire who ran the resupply station. Thanks Claire for sticking it out.

    The group installed 56 smoke detectors, left 21 detectors for the tenant to install. 15 batteries were used, 22 didn’t want or need a detector and 67 homes no one was at home.

    Thanks to all who came out to help. Also a thanks to those who donated the equipment to get the job done.

    I think this is a small investment for the chance of such a huge return. Your work may help save a life.

    Officer Ed Burmood

    Chairman HLSC

    Thank you Neil for trying to get others involved in this project. Perhaps the timing just did not work for people this time around. I'm sure you will have much better success with future projects!

