Thursday, March 25, 2010

Future Pres gets his feet wet

Hello fellow Kiwanians. As most of you know, I absoulutely love Kiwanis. I have said several times that I would like to win the Lottery so that I could just retire and do Kiwanis full time. Maybe I'll get the chance this June while at Kiwanis International Convention in Las Vegas, maybe we'll win big! Well, I can always dream can't I? Anyway, I was somewhat nervous about my first outing behind the podium today. As it turns out, it wasn't nearly as intimidating as I thought it would be. Other than running a little long, I think it went well. I'm sure that after doing it for a while, you become accustomed to the timing and know when and where to cut things short or hurry them along. Joan is definately a life saver behind the scenes. She has the agenda all lined up and keeps the President on track very well. It really is amazing how much "stuff" we are able to cram into one hour, do it well, serve the needs of many in the community, and have an absolute blast while doing it.

If you asked me a few years ago if I ever imangined I would be as involved as I am today, the answer would have been a resounding NO. I still didn't really know what our club was all about and to tell the truth, only joined and showed up at meetings to get Gramps (Doc) off my back about joining this club called Kiwanis. We grew up with Doc constantly telling us we should go to this business or that one because they were Kiwanians. Or, he would point out somebody he knew or was in the news and would make sure that we knew they were a Kiwanian. I remember complaining behind his back, saying what is so great about Kiwanis? Why should I shop there just because they are in Kiwanis. It took a few years of being IN Kiwanis before it even clicked. In fact it was out of guilt for getting angry with another Kiwanis member, that I began to volunteer for every project and join as many committees as I could to make it up to him and Doc, for being such a jerk. If you still find yourself not being real certain what our club is all about, make some time to get really involved in some of our many projects. It will really open your eyes to what being a Kiwanian is all about. Especially the projects that actually interact with the children such as the Christmas shopping, reading at Head Start, or the annual bowling tournament just to name a few. You get to see the gleem in their eyes and get to experience the difference you are making in their lives. I was having a fantastic time! Collegues would ask me why I was spending so much time with Kiwanis when I was obviously tired and worn out. Because I am having fun! It is also very rewarding when you are able to spread this infectious fun to others, especially the youth. It's amazing to see how much fun one of our Key Club members is having and I am honored that she is allowing me to claim a small amount of credit by sponsoring her membership (or graduation) into our Kiwanis Club in May.

Celebrating Doc's 60 years with Kiwanis was a very special thing for me. It was also humbling and tinged with some guilt and regret. Had I listened to this wise man many years ago when he was trying to get us all to join, I could have been having this much fun a long time ago. People always say you should listen to your elders and I wish I had listened to Doc a lot sooner. Doc has such a love for Kiwanis and I am glad to say I get it now. I even find myself pointing out businesses and people and telling my friends and family, "there's a Kiwanian". It's hard not to. My goodness, I'm becoming my Grandfather. I guess there could be worse things. I am looking forward to spending time with Doc at my first International Convention, an opportunity that he is making possible. My sons were involved in Key Club and I hope that they will choose to continue on in Kiwanis one day so that I may be able to do the same for them someday and take them to their first International Convention.

Thank you to Doc and everyone else in the club for making Kiwanis so much fun!!

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