Wednesday, April 14, 2010

April 13 Board Meeting

Your Board met Tuesday noon in its monthly session. We talked a lot about Pancake Day, the results of which were pretty good. I am sure Jim or Margaret will have more specific details at a future Thursday lunch. Ticket sale money is still dribbling in; Jim sent out an email calling for members to turn in any money they still have. Jim also said the Wish and Spin contract has been renewed for another year, with 26 ads sold. The Wish and Spin rotates through several businesses in town, so look for it. It is one of those "wishing wells" that you drop a coin in an watch it spiral downward, through the small hole at the bottom--kind of like watching your sink drain, except more fun. (I understand Wish and Spins spiral the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere--that's supposed to be funny).

Dan Rutt attended the meeting on behalf of Revive Inc. (dba Horizon Recovery and the Unity Houses) to tell us about their upcoming picnic on July 9th, complete with a band. Dave Kempf suggested that we hold a technology meeting for Kiwanians who are interested in learning more about our website, email, and blog. The board approved two new members whom you may remember seeing at the March 25th meeting. Induction is set for April 29. We also talked about Kiwanis One-Day. Six members helped at Highland Park Arboretum and six helped at Prairie Loft. Don gave a report on Youth Services--their immediate project is the book fair on April 16. Volunteers are still needed, so please sign up to help. Dave gave a report on the website and Key Club, and Neil reported on Community Services (which in this case was on One-Day). Tom said the Aktion Club will participate in a KAH packing session in place of their regular noon meeting on April 26.

Our next board meeting will be the second Tuesday in May. We will meet at the police station community room on the second floor of the building. (It is election day and our room at the OK will be in use.)

That's pretty much it for this month's meeting. Attendance was good--the two board members who couldn't come excused themselves ahead of time. We manage to accomplish a lot in just one hour and we almost never run over time-wise. And yes, it is a lunch meeting. This month's meal was lasagna.

You are all invited to attend any time. We always meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the OK Cafe.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for all you do with the Blog Joan. It takes away some of the stress trying to keep the meetings covered on the web page. In fact, I have temporarily suspended the weekly meetings and board meetings pages since they are so outdated. I am in the process of redesigning them and they will be back soon.

    I am working on a rough picture board to create and instructional video for the "cyber" side of our club. I will probably use that in that format (but probably not the video as it will take some time to complete) for the technology meetings. I think I will plan two dates to start and see how what the results are. More could be done if the membership shows a want or need for them. I will try to get a date set in the next few weeks.

    Also, I received an email today and we are confirmed for the May board meeting to be in the third floor classroom at the Hastings Police Department. Sack lunches or other food can be brought in, so don't worry about skipping lunch. The room can hold about 30 people so anyone wanting to check out a board meeting, is welcome to join us.

