Since Joan B went to the Care Givers program today, instead of the Kiwanis meeting, I told her I would attempt to do the blog of today's meeting.
Greeters were Heather Bolte and George Howard.
Group singing was led by Don Goodrich with Mary Plock at the piano.
There were many Happy Basket people today! Dave Kempf was happy that Ashley Hajney attended. However he was quite sad that his cousin's 8 year old daughter was diagnosed with a malignant brain tumor. Patrick Crawford reported about the Community Theatre performing this coming weekend. Ashley Hajney was happy her brother is going to church. Mike Howie was happy about going on a boy scout campout. Dan Rutt reported about the Prayer Breakfast which will be held next Thursday am. Margaret Shaw was happy to have an Open Table bowl.
She also encouraged members to attend the pep rally for the Special Olympics participants at Hastings College field this evening. Special Olympics needs many volunteers. Linda Stark passed along greetings from Kevin Cunningham.
David Kempf handed out the sign-up sheets for the volunteer opportunities. He has those sign-up sheets organized as good as possible. However, I still prefer to sign up on the web site. He has made that web site very convenient to sign up, also. Some more volunteers are needed for the book fair this coming Sunday.
Darrel Nelson was the Kiwanian of the Day, introducing today's speaker, Kerry Winterer, CEO of the Nebr Dept of Health and Human Services. It was really a good informative program! If you missed the program, I think you can get the handout sheets he brought. Does our Kiwanis Club have good programs? Yes!! You better believe it!
Doug N closed the meeting with the final thought, " Everything has its own beauty, but everyone does not see it."
Neil G
Friday, April 30, 2010
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
April 22 Meeting
Today was South of the Border food--taco salads, or taco meat without the salad shell. Looked good, although I did not eat. Les Harms was the greeter and Don Siffring gave the invocation. Lots of guests, if you counted the therapy dogs. More on the program later.
Lee Saathoff introduced his new wife, Eileen (Aileen?) They both looked very happy and I wish them well. Current sign-ups include Dia de los Ninos, May 2nd. Help is needed. Events for the weekend are the the historical event at Hastings College on Saturday (remember Will Locke's presentation) and the ecumenical walk around Lake Hastings on Sunday, from 3-4 pm. Meet at the shelter. Proceeds will go to Kids Against Hunger. The membership committee mailed letters to 12-15 potential members, and will be followed up by a personal contact. Jim Heyen won the Atta Kiwanian drawing--his name was entered in recognition of the contribution of propane to Pancake Day.
Don thanked the Kiwanians who helped with the recent book fair. Our share of the proceeds amounted to $400. Jim gave a final report on Pancake Day. Sales were down, in-kind donations were down (no free meat this year) and expenses were up mostly because the donations were down). But although our net was lower than last year, it was still a successful event. Doug read a list of all the members who sold at least thirty tickets. Margaret Shaw received flowers and a bottle of honey for all her hard work. Kathy Schultz received a large decorated cookie for being the Pancake Queen (leading seller among the women members) and Ron Verberg retained his crown as Pancake King. He got a cookie and will keep the trophy for another year. Everyone received a roll of Lifesavers.
Happy Basket events included Ron's 80th birthday and Doc's trip to Branson. Drew Ceperly is back from Hawaii (it rained while he was there). John Boltz attended a Capital City Kiwanis meeting with his son, who is a member there. Special Olympics will hold a pep rally at HC on April 29 from 7-9 pm. Tonight is the Empty Bowl Soup Supper.
The program for today was a lot of fun. The afore-mentioned dogs were part of K-9 & Friends, a group of therapy dogs and their owners. The dogs who attended today's meeting were a wolfhound, corgi, St. Bernard, German Shepherd, Pomeranian and a boxer. Sorry, I don't know their names--they didn't sign in. (The dogs, I mean). I hope I didn't miss any of the breeds. Beautiful animals.
I am too tired to proofread this, so accept my apologies for any errors.
Lee Saathoff introduced his new wife, Eileen (Aileen?) They both looked very happy and I wish them well. Current sign-ups include Dia de los Ninos, May 2nd. Help is needed. Events for the weekend are the the historical event at Hastings College on Saturday (remember Will Locke's presentation) and the ecumenical walk around Lake Hastings on Sunday, from 3-4 pm. Meet at the shelter. Proceeds will go to Kids Against Hunger. The membership committee mailed letters to 12-15 potential members, and will be followed up by a personal contact. Jim Heyen won the Atta Kiwanian drawing--his name was entered in recognition of the contribution of propane to Pancake Day.
Don thanked the Kiwanians who helped with the recent book fair. Our share of the proceeds amounted to $400. Jim gave a final report on Pancake Day. Sales were down, in-kind donations were down (no free meat this year) and expenses were up mostly because the donations were down). But although our net was lower than last year, it was still a successful event. Doug read a list of all the members who sold at least thirty tickets. Margaret Shaw received flowers and a bottle of honey for all her hard work. Kathy Schultz received a large decorated cookie for being the Pancake Queen (leading seller among the women members) and Ron Verberg retained his crown as Pancake King. He got a cookie and will keep the trophy for another year. Everyone received a roll of Lifesavers.
Happy Basket events included Ron's 80th birthday and Doc's trip to Branson. Drew Ceperly is back from Hawaii (it rained while he was there). John Boltz attended a Capital City Kiwanis meeting with his son, who is a member there. Special Olympics will hold a pep rally at HC on April 29 from 7-9 pm. Tonight is the Empty Bowl Soup Supper.
The program for today was a lot of fun. The afore-mentioned dogs were part of K-9 & Friends, a group of therapy dogs and their owners. The dogs who attended today's meeting were a wolfhound, corgi, St. Bernard, German Shepherd, Pomeranian and a boxer. Sorry, I don't know their names--they didn't sign in. (The dogs, I mean). I hope I didn't miss any of the breeds. Beautiful animals.
I am too tired to proofread this, so accept my apologies for any errors.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
April 15th Meeting
Here are some BRIEF notes on the meeting. Greg Schultz and Heather Bolte were greeters. Les Harms gave the invocation. Lunch was roast beef--next week is a South of the Border meal.
Linda Stark passed along greetings from former member, Alan Kvetensky, who says he misses us. For those of you who don't know Alan, he was in line to be club president, but had to drop out of Kiwanis due to work conflicts.
The Atta Kiwanian free meal went to Chuck Hastings.
Les Harms presented another Know Your Kiwanian. This week we learned about Gary Aadland and his South Dakota heritage.
A lot of the Happy Basket announcements were the same as last week, and normally I would list them again, but my keyboarding fingers are tired tonight. New items included the final production of the season for Hastings Community Theater, Darrell Nelson is looking for a new District Treasurer and he won first place in the Masters Tournament at Southern Hills. Finally, George Howard is just back from a trip to Minneapolis when he saw the Dead Sea Scrolls (he was very impressed), went to a roller derby and heard a polka band (but not at the roller derby).
Ashley Hajny was K of the Day. She introduced Jordon Hammond, a Key Club member who attended Key Leader Camp last Fall. Hevspoke as only a high school boy can speak and I got a great deal of enjoyment out of listening to him.
Linda Stark passed along greetings from former member, Alan Kvetensky, who says he misses us. For those of you who don't know Alan, he was in line to be club president, but had to drop out of Kiwanis due to work conflicts.
The Atta Kiwanian free meal went to Chuck Hastings.
Les Harms presented another Know Your Kiwanian. This week we learned about Gary Aadland and his South Dakota heritage.
A lot of the Happy Basket announcements were the same as last week, and normally I would list them again, but my keyboarding fingers are tired tonight. New items included the final production of the season for Hastings Community Theater, Darrell Nelson is looking for a new District Treasurer and he won first place in the Masters Tournament at Southern Hills. Finally, George Howard is just back from a trip to Minneapolis when he saw the Dead Sea Scrolls (he was very impressed), went to a roller derby and heard a polka band (but not at the roller derby).
Ashley Hajny was K of the Day. She introduced Jordon Hammond, a Key Club member who attended Key Leader Camp last Fall. Hevspoke as only a high school boy can speak and I got a great deal of enjoyment out of listening to him.
Brain Team Symposium
I spent a few hours working at the book fair portion of the Brain Team Symposium. Several Kiwanians were there, either as a part of the Brain Team or as members of the Youth Services committee. If you are interested in the actual Brain Team, you could talk to Don Siffring or Franc E. Wagner. Here is what I know--every other year, the team brings in a renowned speaker, at least in there area, to talk about a child's brain and how it develops, how outside forces act on it, how it is "mapped", etc. This year's speaker was Jane Healey, who has written at least four books on the subject.
The attendance is capped at 400 and I believe there were at least 390 in attendance. The audience is primarily made up of teachers, day care workers, and medical workers. Dr. Healey's advice in layman's terms was play with your kids, let them get dirty, limit the amount of screen time they engage in (including television, DVDs, video games, handheld devices, etc.) She recommends NO screen time for children under two--in other words, don't let your tv set be the bablysitter.
Does any of this sound familiar to those of you raised in the nineteen-fifties?
She also talked about new research into how the brain functions. For example, she mention mirror neurons, which might have something to do with how infants mimic the funny faces that parents make. She talked about the lack of fatty acids in a child's diet and how some authorities recommend a spoon of cod liver oil daily. She also went into much more depth on topics I don't fully understand.
Anyway, those in attendance paid $120 to attend this day long session, meal included, and I got to see it for free just because I offered to spend my day selling a few books to motivated readers.
The attendance is capped at 400 and I believe there were at least 390 in attendance. The audience is primarily made up of teachers, day care workers, and medical workers. Dr. Healey's advice in layman's terms was play with your kids, let them get dirty, limit the amount of screen time they engage in (including television, DVDs, video games, handheld devices, etc.) She recommends NO screen time for children under two--in other words, don't let your tv set be the bablysitter.
Does any of this sound familiar to those of you raised in the nineteen-fifties?
She also talked about new research into how the brain functions. For example, she mention mirror neurons, which might have something to do with how infants mimic the funny faces that parents make. She talked about the lack of fatty acids in a child's diet and how some authorities recommend a spoon of cod liver oil daily. She also went into much more depth on topics I don't fully understand.
Anyway, those in attendance paid $120 to attend this day long session, meal included, and I got to see it for free just because I offered to spend my day selling a few books to motivated readers.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Upcoming KAH stuff
Howdy friends! There are some new activities and events with KAH coming up that I wanted to let you in on. First, today 4/16 at 3:00 there is an event with local 8th graders from Hastings Middle School. This might be prime pickings for potential Key Club members. On Sunday 4/18, Redeemer Lutheran is coming to site from 1-3. On Tuesday 4/20 from 10-noon there will be a unified effort to pack from two churches in Blue Hill. This is drummed up by Pastor Dan Cosson from St. Paul's Lutheran BH (they are making a return mission trip to Haiti this Fall) and he is bringing along pals from the United Methodist Church in BH. Of course remember to attend the monthly KAH meeting at noon on Wednesday April 21. On April 25th, the local association of parish nurses is hosting a Wellness Walk at Hastings Lake. The meeting place will be at the picnic shelter on the south side at 3:00. Any funds raised will go towards KAH. Please come. On April 26th at noon, the Aktion Club will have their meeting at KAH site and package meals after they eat pizza. The Heartland Lutheran event on 4/29 has been cancelled. Jumping ahead to May, May 1 there will be a foreign exchange group coming from Kansas. Quite a few countries will be represented. All helpers are so appreciated! There is a lot going on these days and conflicts from every direction. KAH is a family friendly option when you want your kids/grandkids to get off their rump and serve others. It is a good feeling to know that the time volunteered directly impacts the lives of hungry and starving people locally and globally.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
April 13 Board Meeting
Your Board met Tuesday noon in its monthly session. We talked a lot about Pancake Day, the results of which were pretty good. I am sure Jim or Margaret will have more specific details at a future Thursday lunch. Ticket sale money is still dribbling in; Jim sent out an email calling for members to turn in any money they still have. Jim also said the Wish and Spin contract has been renewed for another year, with 26 ads sold. The Wish and Spin rotates through several businesses in town, so look for it. It is one of those "wishing wells" that you drop a coin in an watch it spiral downward, through the small hole at the bottom--kind of like watching your sink drain, except more fun. (I understand Wish and Spins spiral the opposite direction in the southern hemisphere--that's supposed to be funny).
Dan Rutt attended the meeting on behalf of Revive Inc. (dba Horizon Recovery and the Unity Houses) to tell us about their upcoming picnic on July 9th, complete with a band. Dave Kempf suggested that we hold a technology meeting for Kiwanians who are interested in learning more about our website, email, and blog. The board approved two new members whom you may remember seeing at the March 25th meeting. Induction is set for April 29. We also talked about Kiwanis One-Day. Six members helped at Highland Park Arboretum and six helped at Prairie Loft. Don gave a report on Youth Services--their immediate project is the book fair on April 16. Volunteers are still needed, so please sign up to help. Dave gave a report on the website and Key Club, and Neil reported on Community Services (which in this case was on One-Day). Tom said the Aktion Club will participate in a KAH packing session in place of their regular noon meeting on April 26.
Our next board meeting will be the second Tuesday in May. We will meet at the police station community room on the second floor of the building. (It is election day and our room at the OK will be in use.)
That's pretty much it for this month's meeting. Attendance was good--the two board members who couldn't come excused themselves ahead of time. We manage to accomplish a lot in just one hour and we almost never run over time-wise. And yes, it is a lunch meeting. This month's meal was lasagna.
You are all invited to attend any time. We always meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the OK Cafe.
Dan Rutt attended the meeting on behalf of Revive Inc. (dba Horizon Recovery and the Unity Houses) to tell us about their upcoming picnic on July 9th, complete with a band. Dave Kempf suggested that we hold a technology meeting for Kiwanians who are interested in learning more about our website, email, and blog. The board approved two new members whom you may remember seeing at the March 25th meeting. Induction is set for April 29. We also talked about Kiwanis One-Day. Six members helped at Highland Park Arboretum and six helped at Prairie Loft. Don gave a report on Youth Services--their immediate project is the book fair on April 16. Volunteers are still needed, so please sign up to help. Dave gave a report on the website and Key Club, and Neil reported on Community Services (which in this case was on One-Day). Tom said the Aktion Club will participate in a KAH packing session in place of their regular noon meeting on April 26.
Our next board meeting will be the second Tuesday in May. We will meet at the police station community room on the second floor of the building. (It is election day and our room at the OK will be in use.)
That's pretty much it for this month's meeting. Attendance was good--the two board members who couldn't come excused themselves ahead of time. We manage to accomplish a lot in just one hour and we almost never run over time-wise. And yes, it is a lunch meeting. This month's meal was lasagna.
You are all invited to attend any time. We always meet on the second Tuesday of the month at the OK Cafe.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Post by Neil Grothen About Kiwanis One Day
(I got this in my email from Neil who really wanted to post this on our blog. Thank you Neil. JB)
It was not my intention of writing a blog, but I accidently hit the "create blog" title on top of the Kiwanis blog. That took me to another page where I signed in, and before I knew it I was trapped in writing something on this page. Maybe I will cancel everything before I finish.
Kiwanis One Day went very well! I agree with Tom Genung, when he said it was a blast!! Before working at Prairie Loft Center I stopped by the Highland Park Arboretum to take a few pictures for the Astonisher. It was my understanding that they planted 31 trees that morning! Nine more trees will be planted this week. Don Siffiring, for sure, will be helping with that. Those who were working over there, when I arrived, were Don S., Greg Schultz, John Boltz, Gary Aadland, Jim Karloff, and Tom Genung. Since everyone was scattered throughout the park planting trees, I may have missed seeing all of the Kiwanians helping over there. Hopefully someone else will blog about the tree planting project over there, and will fill in more details.
At Prairie Loft Center, there were 6 Kiwanians working there, Matt and Kaleena Fong, Karen Kempf, Kathy Schultz, Tom Genung, and myself. It was a blast! According to Amy Sandeen, the director of Prairie Loft, Kiwanis planted a bunch of shrubs over there three years ago. We cleaned out the shrubs and remulched them. Matt and Kaleena refurbished the landscaping around one of the signs. We also landscaped around the house out there. I got to go now. You will probably hear more about it some other time.
It was not my intention of writing a blog, but I accidently hit the "create blog" title on top of the Kiwanis blog. That took me to another page where I signed in, and before I knew it I was trapped in writing something on this page. Maybe I will cancel everything before I finish.
Kiwanis One Day went very well! I agree with Tom Genung, when he said it was a blast!! Before working at Prairie Loft Center I stopped by the Highland Park Arboretum to take a few pictures for the Astonisher. It was my understanding that they planted 31 trees that morning! Nine more trees will be planted this week. Don Siffiring, for sure, will be helping with that. Those who were working over there, when I arrived, were Don S., Greg Schultz, John Boltz, Gary Aadland, Jim Karloff, and Tom Genung. Since everyone was scattered throughout the park planting trees, I may have missed seeing all of the Kiwanians helping over there. Hopefully someone else will blog about the tree planting project over there, and will fill in more details.
At Prairie Loft Center, there were 6 Kiwanians working there, Matt and Kaleena Fong, Karen Kempf, Kathy Schultz, Tom Genung, and myself. It was a blast! According to Amy Sandeen, the director of Prairie Loft, Kiwanis planted a bunch of shrubs over there three years ago. We cleaned out the shrubs and remulched them. Matt and Kaleena refurbished the landscaping around one of the signs. We also landscaped around the house out there. I got to go now. You will probably hear more about it some other time.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Wrap of of Apr 8 meeting
The program for the week was Special Olympics presented by Lee and Judy Wiles. First, Doug presented them with two $150 checks--one for adult Olympians and the other for youth Olympians. Becky Crecelius was K of the Day and gave the Wiles a nice introduction. I was impressed with their message--I know little to nothing about the program--and even more impressed by the love they had obviously invested in it. Very good program.
I agree with Mary. Someone needs to tell us how the day went yesterday. It was too close to April 15 for Maureen and I to get away to help, so I am curious about the day's events. Joe and I drove down Burlington late this afternoon and noticed the new sign and a lot of freshly planted trees. Looks wonderful. How about Prairie Loft Neil?
Kiwanis One Day
What's the story friends? I was hoping to see a re-cap of the Day's activities. I saw new trees at the arboretum and I saw signs to Prairie Loft. Someone needs to fill the slackers in on the fabulous work you did.
April 8th Meeting
Yum. We had turkey for lunch which was great, although after I thought about it, I realized we also had turkey last week, so that meant we had turkey two weeks in a row. Odd. Next week is our monthly ethnic meal, and the OK is open to suggestions, in case you prefer something other than Italian and Mexican. Or saurkraut. Please, no more saurkraut.
Neil Grothen and Jeannette DeWalt were greaters and Jim Lewis gave the invocation. Steve DeBacker, the president of Aktion Club, and his mom were guests. Dave Kempf was busy at work (his Mary Lanning job) moving his department into new quarters, so we didn't have sign up books. However, the signup lists are always on the website. Kathy Schultz passed around a sign-up sheet for reading at Head Start. By the end of the meeting she had all the volunteers she needed--reading seems to be a popular event. (Dave reports the move at MLMH went went smoothly.) Neil stepped in to do Meals-on-Wheels for April 9. Thanks Neil. As of the meeting date, you could still sign up for Kiwanis One Day, either for the Arboretum project or the Prairie Loft project. Upcoming events include the book fair for the Brain Team Symposium on April 16th. We will not participate in the Healthy Kids (Healthy Family?) event on April 17.
Linda Stark reported that the membership drive is humming along. KAH had nothing new to report--Chuck and Renee weren't at the meeting and I think Mary is just plain worn out after her year as president and the many, many packing sessions she facilitates.
We were reminded that Hastings College will hold their Walk Through Time celebration on April 24. You will remember that Will Locke talked about it we he spoke to our group a few weeks ago. You can check the blog from that date (I don't remember the exact date) for details. Sounds interesting. Tom Genung announced that the Day of Caring is April 29 at the City Auditorium, April 29, from 8 am to 3 pm. Lunch is included. This is a day long event for caretakers of the ill and/or elderly. Lee Saathoff got married Saturday congratulations!!) The only downside so far is that he lost his good sock drawer to his new wife. Dwayne Strasheim reminded us again of the senior recitial by our current Kiwanis scholar, Tuesday (I believe that would be the 13th) at Fuhr Hall at HC at 7:30 pm. The Open Table Empty Bowl soup supper is April22 from 6-8 pm at First St Paul's. Cost is $20. (It is a fund raiser). Margaret Shaw is very excited about new new car, a 92 Buick that runs like a dream. She also needs help frosting cinnamon rolls for the book fair on the 16th early, early in the morning. Check with her for the time, because I didn't write it down. Father Benton is about to leave for a three week tour to the Holy Lands. He is also excited that a recent youth retreat attracted 50 high school students and that CSS found a new home, the old Vincent Michaels, rent free.
George Howard is this week's Atta Kiwanian for his work on the dictionary project.
I am out of time for now, so will get back to you with the program details later. Suffice it to say, it was excellent. (I am on my way to an 80th bday party and am about to be late.)
Neil Grothen and Jeannette DeWalt were greaters and Jim Lewis gave the invocation. Steve DeBacker, the president of Aktion Club, and his mom were guests. Dave Kempf was busy at work (his Mary Lanning job) moving his department into new quarters, so we didn't have sign up books. However, the signup lists are always on the website. Kathy Schultz passed around a sign-up sheet for reading at Head Start. By the end of the meeting she had all the volunteers she needed--reading seems to be a popular event. (Dave reports the move at MLMH went went smoothly.) Neil stepped in to do Meals-on-Wheels for April 9. Thanks Neil. As of the meeting date, you could still sign up for Kiwanis One Day, either for the Arboretum project or the Prairie Loft project. Upcoming events include the book fair for the Brain Team Symposium on April 16th. We will not participate in the Healthy Kids (Healthy Family?) event on April 17.
Linda Stark reported that the membership drive is humming along. KAH had nothing new to report--Chuck and Renee weren't at the meeting and I think Mary is just plain worn out after her year as president and the many, many packing sessions she facilitates.
We were reminded that Hastings College will hold their Walk Through Time celebration on April 24. You will remember that Will Locke talked about it we he spoke to our group a few weeks ago. You can check the blog from that date (I don't remember the exact date) for details. Sounds interesting. Tom Genung announced that the Day of Caring is April 29 at the City Auditorium, April 29, from 8 am to 3 pm. Lunch is included. This is a day long event for caretakers of the ill and/or elderly. Lee Saathoff got married Saturday congratulations!!) The only downside so far is that he lost his good sock drawer to his new wife. Dwayne Strasheim reminded us again of the senior recitial by our current Kiwanis scholar, Tuesday (I believe that would be the 13th) at Fuhr Hall at HC at 7:30 pm. The Open Table Empty Bowl soup supper is April22 from 6-8 pm at First St Paul's. Cost is $20. (It is a fund raiser). Margaret Shaw is very excited about new new car, a 92 Buick that runs like a dream. She also needs help frosting cinnamon rolls for the book fair on the 16th early, early in the morning. Check with her for the time, because I didn't write it down. Father Benton is about to leave for a three week tour to the Holy Lands. He is also excited that a recent youth retreat attracted 50 high school students and that CSS found a new home, the old Vincent Michaels, rent free.
George Howard is this week's Atta Kiwanian for his work on the dictionary project.
I am out of time for now, so will get back to you with the program details later. Suffice it to say, it was excellent. (I am on my way to an 80th bday party and am about to be late.)
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Board Meeting
To Karen and any other folks I may have confused--
It is the May Board meeting that has been moved from our usual meeting room to the main restaurant, because the room is needed for voting. The front room is small, so Doug wants to restrict the number of bodies in attendance. The April Board meeting is unchanged--anyone and everyone is invited and encouraged to attend; we will meet in our usual location.
So my previous post is correct.
It is the May Board meeting that has been moved from our usual meeting room to the main restaurant, because the room is needed for voting. The front room is small, so Doug wants to restrict the number of bodies in attendance. The April Board meeting is unchanged--anyone and everyone is invited and encouraged to attend; we will meet in our usual location.
So my previous post is correct.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
April Fool's Meeting
Here is a synopsis of the meeting.
Patrick Crawford and Jim Lewis were greeters; Renee Johnson gave the invocation. The meal was turkey, mashed potatoes and green beans, so I was happy. There were no guests this week. Doug Nienhueser was back from Las Cruces, so Dave Kempf was happy to return to his position of president-in-waiting for the next few months.
Dave urges us all to keep checking the sign-ups on our website. One-Day is Saturday, April 10. Help is needed there, and at the Brain Team (Book Fair) on April 16 and Healthy Kids on April 17. Tonight at 7pm Chuck Hastings could use 3-4 helpers unpacking food supplies at the KAH site. Also KAH is continually looking for more facilitators.
The next board meeting is April 13 and so far we have two new people to approve for membership, with the hope that we have 1 or 2 more beyond that.
Pancake net income is running behind last year, in part because we had to purchase sausage this year, whereas in the past Armour donated it. If you are still sitting on your ticket money, please turn it in.
Ken Pittz was drawn as this week's Atta Kiwanian, for which he receives free lunch next meeting.
Ten people were happy this week, but I'll be darned if I can remember why. Someone is going to Hawaii, I know.
Don Goodrich and Mary Plock led us in a few songs.
Heather Bolte was K of the Day. She introduced us to the speaker, Kim Grothen from Mary Lanning Hospital, who facilitated a question and answer session on the Lifeline Program, in which, for $33 dollars a month, the elderly and infirm can reach emergency help in case of a fall or other accident. Pardon me, Dr. Strasheim and English teachers everywhere for the above very long run-on sentence (The Lifeline sounds very good to me. Five years ago, on a Saturday morning when I was home alone, I fell and broke my leg. It took me over two hours to crawl along my carpeted--and not very clean--bedroom floor to the phone. You may wonder why my dog did not come to my rescue, as did I. Apparently she is too young to remember "Lassie" because she was of no use to me whatsoever.)
Please come to the meeting Thursday, and if you are interested, to the Board meeting on April 13 at noon at the OK. Same room.
I make no claims that this info is 100% accurate, but it is pretty much the way things happened!
Patrick Crawford and Jim Lewis were greeters; Renee Johnson gave the invocation. The meal was turkey, mashed potatoes and green beans, so I was happy. There were no guests this week. Doug Nienhueser was back from Las Cruces, so Dave Kempf was happy to return to his position of president-in-waiting for the next few months.
Dave urges us all to keep checking the sign-ups on our website. One-Day is Saturday, April 10. Help is needed there, and at the Brain Team (Book Fair) on April 16 and Healthy Kids on April 17. Tonight at 7pm Chuck Hastings could use 3-4 helpers unpacking food supplies at the KAH site. Also KAH is continually looking for more facilitators.
The next board meeting is April 13 and so far we have two new people to approve for membership, with the hope that we have 1 or 2 more beyond that.
Pancake net income is running behind last year, in part because we had to purchase sausage this year, whereas in the past Armour donated it. If you are still sitting on your ticket money, please turn it in.
Ken Pittz was drawn as this week's Atta Kiwanian, for which he receives free lunch next meeting.
Ten people were happy this week, but I'll be darned if I can remember why. Someone is going to Hawaii, I know.
Don Goodrich and Mary Plock led us in a few songs.
Heather Bolte was K of the Day. She introduced us to the speaker, Kim Grothen from Mary Lanning Hospital, who facilitated a question and answer session on the Lifeline Program, in which, for $33 dollars a month, the elderly and infirm can reach emergency help in case of a fall or other accident. Pardon me, Dr. Strasheim and English teachers everywhere for the above very long run-on sentence (The Lifeline sounds very good to me. Five years ago, on a Saturday morning when I was home alone, I fell and broke my leg. It took me over two hours to crawl along my carpeted--and not very clean--bedroom floor to the phone. You may wonder why my dog did not come to my rescue, as did I. Apparently she is too young to remember "Lassie" because she was of no use to me whatsoever.)
Please come to the meeting Thursday, and if you are interested, to the Board meeting on April 13 at noon at the OK. Same room.
I make no claims that this info is 100% accurate, but it is pretty much the way things happened!
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