Saturday, March 6, 2010

Here is a recap of Thursday's meeting. I get the feeling no one is reading the blog, but what the heck--I could be wrong. Ed Kuehn and Dwayne Strasheim were greeters and Don Siffring gave the invocation. KAH reports 10 packing sessions already scheduled for March and it is only the fourth of the month. The 100,000 meal goal has been surpassed by 31,922 meals and the $16,347.86 of the $25,000 goal has been collected. Skip-a-Meal was last week. If you haven't already done so, please give Jim Krebsbach the $6 you would have normally spent on last week's meal. Pancake Day is March 18. Be sure to sign up for a shift. Margaret still needs coffee urns and a serving cart. Kiwanis One Day is April 10. The Board will meet Tuesday March 9 at noon at the OK. Anyone is welcome to attend. Chuck Hastings received the Atta Kiwanian drawing and will enjoy a free lunch next week. Darla Bruna reported during Happy Basket that she is moving her real estate office and Karen Kempf plugged this blog and our page on Facebook. Karen, I think you mentioned something specific on Facebook, but my notes are a little garbled on that point, so feel free to make a clarification.

As always, the highlight of the meeting was the program. This week it was a Very Large Quartet from Hastings Chorus of the Plains, including Patrick Crawford, Darrell Nelson and Don Goodrich. (I hope I am not forgetting anyone.) They sang a few songs and then led our membership in a few more. I love to sing, so I thought it was a lot of fun. Before the singing, Lonnie Miner gave a presentation on a Youth in Harmony clinic that will be held in conjunction with Hastings College on Monday March 8. The culmination of the clinic will be a free concert at 7 pm that evening at the French Memorial Chapel on the HC campus. The public is invited to attend. I hope to go--I have already forewarned my husband, Joe, so he should be there too. (He is planning on going to Kansas City Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday--that's four days of freedom for him--so he is pretty open to making me happy right now.)


  1. I believe I made further comment about visiting the Kids Against Hunger World site where I find it very interesting to see the things they are posting about exactly what they are doing to helpin Haiti and how many different ways they have used to get the food shipped. I am a friend of Kids Against Hunger on Face Book so I receive some information through Face Book but a trip to their web site reveals so much more. I might mention that I have been finding Face Book an interesting way to connect to organizations I do business with and to things of interest around Hastings and around Nebraska. In Hastings, for instance, I am friends with the Hastings Museum, Downtown-Hastings, Ne, Blue Moon Cafe, Back Alley Bakery.

  2. I think this will catch on with time. I think a lot of our membership is computer-phobic. I am also going to make the link much larger on our homepage as it is really hard to find right now. I think I will add a graphic next to the Facebook graphic, that will link back to this blog. The "click here" link really doesn't stand out much. I can also send an email from time to time. I still think it is an excellent way to communicate so I hope you don't get discouraged, it was a fantastic idea and I was more than happy to set it up for the club.
